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Recall Alerts

There is currently one Lands' End product recall alert in effect.

Please visit for more information.

Safety & Quality Standards

Our staff of Quality specialists works diligently to ensure the safety and quality of our products. We strive to meet or surpass applicable regulations as required by federal law as well as guidelines set by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. We work directly with our manufacturers to implement strict quality and safety standards prior to producing any product.

Once a product is made, testing is required to make sure nothing has changed from the final design specifications. In addition, we have an in-house team inspect random samples of products as they arrive in our warehouse. If any problems or inconsistencies are discovered, we inspect each and every unit of the product in question. Should the product not meet all requirements, it is placed on hold until satisfactory replacements can be produced. If we are unable to satisfactorily resolve the problem, we return the product in question to the manufacturer.

We will never knowingly sell a defective or unsafe product. If you have concerns about the safety of any Lands' End product, please call us at 1-800-963-4816.